Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hello Again...

Hello Again,
I know it’s been a long time since I scribbled one of my stories. I’d like to explain.

My husband Larry is an only child. His dear mom, in her eighties, has been in the gentle care of our two youngest daughters for the last 6 years. Recently her health began to fail and it’s been every family members’ "hands on deck" for several months.
She passed away in November and her funeral was the day before Thanksgiving. We miss her and think of her every day.

One quick story about Gramma.
Katie wasn’t a member of the Church but we had her surrounded by her “All Mormon” posterity. Every single one of her descendants is an active Latter Day Saint. When needed, Larry or grandsons would give her a Priesthood blessing.                         
Well, Gramma loved the holidays. She was known far and wide for her decorations. From before Thanksgiving to New Year's they filled every room of her house, including the bathrooms!  She looked forward to these special days all year long and this year would be the first time in her life that she wouldn’t be able to spend them with her family. She was in the hospice and unable to travel. All of us were heartbroken about it.
Well, a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving Larry gave her a blessing. In it she was blessed that she would be able to spend the holidays with her family and friends.
“How in the world is that going to happen?” I wondered. Then I started looking into having an ambulance transport her to our holiday celebrations.
Instead, a few days after placing his hands on his mother’s head, Larry came out of her room and said to me, “Mom’s gone.”
The very first thought that came to my mind was that the blessing had been fulfilled.
Indeed, she would be home with cherished family and friends to share all those special things she loved about the holidays.

I’m so grateful for the ties that bind us. They continue forever, connecting past, present, and future.
By the way, on the other side of the veil, Gramma may be surprised to find that she’s still surrounded by a family of Mormons. For years, her grandaughters have been busily doing temple work.

I hope many blessings were yours during this special time of year. May you especially have felt the love of our Heavenly Father when He sent His Son.
Happy New Year to all of you.

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